Edgeworth, “To-morrow, or The Dangers of Delay. New York, Evert Duyckinck,” 1813.

Edgeworth, "To-morrow, or The Dangers of Delay. New York, Evert Duyckinck," 1813.
Adopted By
Barbara Sporer Filipac
Joseph Filipac and Eva Sporer Filipac

A children’s book by Maria Edgeworth, depicting the dangers of procrastination. The fictional narrative ends abruptly with the teasing line, “I am now coming to the most extraordinary and the most interesting part of my history. A new and surprising accident happened.” This is followed by a note from the Editor: “What this accident was can never be known, for Basil put off finishing his history till TO-MORROW. This fragment was found in an old escritoir, in an obscure lodging in Swallow street London. August 1803. THE END.” A cautionary tale indeed!