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Clements Library Associates Board of Governors
The University of Michigan Board of Regents chartered the Clements Library Associates in October 1947 “for the purpose of increasing the collections and resources of the Clements Library and of broadening the scope, services, and usefulness of the Library.”
Members represent the diversity of society at large. It is the intention of the board to seek candidates who hail from all regions of the United States, represent the Clements Library’s various constituencies, and may or may not have a degree relationship with the University of Michigan. Selection for membership is based upon demonstration of outstanding professional achievement, alignment with the Clements Library’s mission, commitment to the long-term vitality of the Clements Library, and enhancement of the board’s breadth and diversity.
Members of the Associates’ Board of Governors should make substantive contributions to the mission of the Library in the following ways:
1. Believe in and be an active advocate for the mission and vision of the Library.
2. Contribute financially in a meaningful way.
3. Assist in Library fundraising efforts.
4. Provide personal and professional expertise for the benefit of the Library.
5. Identify and cultivate relationships to support the Library.
6. Regularly attend and actively participate in Board meetings.
7. Attend Library programs and fundraising events.
8. Avoid conflicts of interest with the Library and keep the Board apprised of any that arise. Adhere to a high standard of ethical conduct.
Bradley L. Thompson II, Chairman
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Paul J. Erickson, Secretary
Ann Arbor, Michigan
John R. Axe
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
John L. Booth II
Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan
Kristin A. Cabral
McLean, Virginia
Wes Cowan
Old Mission, Michigan
Charles R. Eisendrath
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Derek J. Finley
Brandon, Mississippi
Margaret Harrington
Mill Valley, California
Peter Heydon, Chair Emeritus*
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Eliza Finkenstaedt Hillhouse
Littleton, Colorado
Troy E. Hollar
Tuscon, Arizona
Martha S. Jones
Baltimore, Maryland
Christina Karas
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Sally Kennedy
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Joan Knoertzer
Ann Arbor, Michigan
James E. Laramy
Ada, Michigan
Ole W. Lyngklip III
New York, New York
Drew Peslar
Birmingham, Michigan
Richard Pohrt
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Catharine Dann Roeber
Oxford, Pennsylvania
Estrella Salgado
Glen Mills, Pennsylvania
Joanna Schoff*
Rye, New York
Anne Marie Schoonhoven
Newburgh, New York
Harold T. Shapiro*
Princeton, New Jersey
Arlene P. Shy
Ann Arbor, Michigan
James P. Spica
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan
Edward Surovell
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Irina Thompson
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Benjamin Upton
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Leonard A. Walle
Novi, Michigan
David B. Walters
West Bloomfield, Michigan
Clarence Wolf
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
* Honorary Members