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Committee of Management
As part of his gift agreement, William L. Clements specified that “The powers of administering the library so as to promote interest in historical research and to create interest in bibliographical and cartographical subjects, shall be vested in a committee which shall be known as the Committee of Management of the William L. Clements Library of American History.” He went on to specify that the members be composed of the president of the University, the director of the General Library of the University, the ranking professor of American History, and two members-at-large, known for their interest in American history.
Santa Ono, Chairman
President of the University of Michigan
Donna L. Hayward
Interim University Librarian and Dean of Libraries
Gregory E. Dowd
Helen Hornbeck Tanner Collegiate Professor, History Department
David Walters
Member of the Clements Library Associates Board of Governors
Paul J. Erickson, Secretary
Randolph G. Adams Director of the Clements Library