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Benedict Arnold Letter to John André, July 15, 1780

Benedict Arnold Letter to John André, July 15, 1780 (coded and decoded). Henry Clinton Papers.

274.9.19. 75.8.175. 240.8.13. I 216.9.29’d, a 158.8.15. without .74.9.32 . or .239.9.13 / 145.8.24ing, me that. S. 300.8.11 ——- was 181.8.8. to me for the 148.8.28 / 58.8.34 and that he 196.9.23 a 117.9.36 61.8.36 in the 240.8.23 of my / 148.8.37 etc. etc. etc. ——— on the 264.8.22 147.9.22 I 12.8.16.ed a / 158.8.15. to you expressing my 235.9.19 and 105.9.145. viz. that the / 114.8.21ing 203.8.28 be 236.9.8ed previous to 66.8.22ing. first that S. / 300.8.11.—– . 234.9.9. 266.9.36 me my 207.9.26. 275.9.14. at 262.8.14 / 264.9.19. 201.8.32. 259.9.2s to be 190.8.18d to me or my in case / of 165.8.95 and as soon as that shall 128.8.29. ——— 134.9.19. 201.8.92s / 250.9.22 ps 19.8.24 to be 234.9.10’d to me for 158.9.32 in 158.9 29. of / the 190.8.18 and 98.8.29,  I 14.9.32 up for my 236.8.28 as they / shall 80.9.23 —- If I.198.9.34, 185.831 a 197.8.8 of 16.8.22n / by which S. 300.8.11 —– 236.9.35. 200.9.19. 131.9.34. 235.8.14 of —— / 188.9.16 . 198 9.33 the 120.8.17 etc. etc. etc. 274.8.25 . . 264.9.19 . 201.8.32s / 250.9.23 I think will be a cheap purchase of an .180.9.25. of an / 174.8.8. 139.8.39 at the same time I — 222.9.22 a 264.9.19. 201.8.32s / to be 190.8.18’d my .14.9.18 —- I .105.9.12 A 117.9.36 – and .106.8.12 / 19.8.37 —– the 274.8.24 I 236.8.36 of 114.9.11.—- / 188.9.16. 198.935 a 193.8.16 . . 149.8.33 with an 182.8.35 / that you can 61.8.34 in is . to 199.8.8. 166.9.20s / 148.9.28. I . 236.9.36. 58.8.34 to 185.8.30 .175.9.19 .117.8.9 / S——-y, 15.9.33 the 148.9.28 in my 201.9.9. —- 283.8.11 / I have the pleasure of 294.9.18 . 19.8.36 —– / 172.9.190 /

152.9.19. 114.9.26 —– / to the .159.9.11 of my 158.8.14. of the / I did not add 236.9.12

Inclosed in a cover addressed to M[r.] Anderson  /

Two days since I received a letter without date or Signature, / informing me that S[ir]. Henry —— was obliged to me for intelligence / communicated, and that he placed a full confidence in the Sincerity / of my intentions, etc. etc. On the 13th Instant I addressed a letter / to you expressing my Sentiments and expectations, viz, that / the following Preliminaries be settled previous to cooperating. – / First, that S[ir]. Henry secure to me my property, valued at ten thou- / sand pounds Sterling, to be paid to me or my Heirs in case of / Loss; and, as soon as that happens [strike out] shall happen, —- hundred / pounds per annum to be secured to me for life, in lieu of the / pay and emoluments I give up, for my Services as they shall / deserve – If I point out a plan of cooperation by which S[ir]. H[enry]. / shall possess himself of West Point, the Garrison, etc. etc. etc. twenty / thousand pounds Sterling I think will be a cheap purchase for / an object of so much importance. At the same time I request / thousand pounds to be paid my Agent – I expect a full / and explicit answer – The 20th I set off for West Point. A / personal interview with an officer that you can confide in / is absolutely necessary to plan matters. In the mean time / I shall communicate to our mutual Friend S[tansbur]y all the / intelligence in my power, until I have the pleasure of your answer. / Moore /

July 15th [1780] / To the line of my letter of the 13th / I did not add seven. 
[In Jonathan Odell’s hand:] N.B. the postscript only relates to the manner of composing the / Cypher in the letter referred to 


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See the Story:  Selling West Point

See the Method:  Secret Code

See the Timeline:  1780