Your Hidden Skeleton autograph book (kept by Myrtle), 1910-1916

Your Hidden Skeleton autograph book (kept by Myrtle)
Adopted by
John Savage
in honor of Cora Savage
Your Hidden Skeleton: A Novel Autograph Book Which Reveals the Secret Skeletons of your Friends through their Handwriting. This extraordinary volume contains signatures of the friends and family of a girl named Myrtle, likely living near Beverly, Massachusetts, in the first decade of the 20th century. Unlike any other autograph albums in our collection, though, this one directs the signatories to use a stub pen full of ink to write their names before folding the page while the ink is wet to make a ‘skeleton’. The branching blots left on the page are left for Myrtle to wonder over what it shows about her social circle, and for researchers today to study about turn-of-the-century entertainment, psychology and pseduo-science, and the culture of handwriting.