Sierra Laddusaw
Curator of Maps & Graphics
[email protected] | 734-615-7202
I am the Curator of Maps & Graphics.
I began working as a Curator at the Clements Library in January 2024. I obtained my B.A. from Ouachita Baptist University in 2008, my M.L.S. from Texas Woman’s University in 2015, and am working towards a M.S. in Geographic Information Science from Northwest Missouri State University. Previously, I was the Curator of Maps and co-Curator of the Chapman Texas Collection at Cushing Memorial Library, Texas A&M University and the Scholarly Communication Librarian at the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith. I have written on the role of maps and spatial data in information literacy, popular culture in libraries, and bibliometrics.
As curator, I manage the operations of the Maps Division and the Graphics Division. My responsibilities include collection development, assisting researchers, and giving class presentations about the Library’s primary source materials.