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Home » Public Programs » The Clements Bookworm

The Clements Bookworm: Online Event for History Lovers

What is the Clements Bookworm?

Panelists and featured guests discuss history topics with Angela Oonk ’94 in this webinar series. Recommended books, articles, and other resources are provided in each session as we vary between formats: Reader Panel, Author Conversation, Collectors Corner, and Fellow Spotlight.

Inspired by the traditional Clements Library researcher tea time, we invite you to pull up a chair at our [virtual] table. Live attendees are encouraged to post comments and questions, respond to polls, and add to our conversation and camaraderie.

WHEN:  10:00 am EDT – Monthly on the Third Friday

WHERE: (Register for our Online Meeting via Zoom)

Teacup "Upcoming Themes"

March 21, 2025 at 10 am

April 18, 2025 at 10 am

“Bloody Work: Lexington and Concord in 1775”

A Curator Conversation with Cheney Schopieray

Access all previously recorded episodes of the Clements Bookworm.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join the meeting?

You can join our Zoom meeting by clicking the meeting link or going to and entering in the meeting ID. 

For a tutorial on how to join a meeting, please see this brief Zoom video.

How do I join computer/device audio?
On most devices, you can join computer/device audio by clicking Join Audio, Join with Computer Audio, or Audio to access the audio settings. Learn more about connecting your audio.

Can I Use Bluetooth Headset?
Yes, as long as the Bluetooth device is compatible with the computer or mobile device that you are using.

What kinds of books will be discussed?

We are asking panelists to discuss their favorite history books. Some, but not all, will feature a connection to the primary source collections at the Clements Library. Upcoming themes will be shared at

Will I be on video?

A webcam is not required to join the book circle and public participants will NOT appear on video. Only the panelists speaking will have their video and microphone active– guests are encouraged to type in your comments and questions via the chat function.

Can I view a recording and a list of the resources discussed?

Yes! Feel free to register even if you can’t attend the meeting, and you will receive a follow-up email with the resource list and video link.

Please see Clements Bookworm Archive on YouTube to view all past episodes of the Clements Bookworm. The descriptions of each video include links to learn more about Clements resources mentioned in each episode.

If you need additional assistance, please contact Anne at [email protected].