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Special Thanks!

Thanks to the Wallace House Center for Journalists for the loan of these original drawings; to Lynette Clemetson, Director of Wallace House; and Charles Eisendrath, former Director of Wallace House and member of the Clements Library Associates Board of Governors.

This exhibit was created in tandem with the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum, who exhibited Oliphant images focused around their namesake:

The President and the Cartoonist: Ford’s Presidency Through the Cartoons of Pat Oliphant
On the 50th anniversary of Gerald R. Ford’s Presidency, this exhibit at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library examines how Ford rose to the challenge of the office by exploring some of the difficult decisions that defined his administration and shaped his legacy, including granting clemency to draft dodgers, pardoning Richard Nixon, providing aid for Vietnamese refugees, responding to the Mayaguez crisis, managing Cold War relations with the Soviet Union, and refusing to bail out New York City.

Explore the public perception of Ford’s difficult decisions through the cartoons of Pat Oliphant, a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist whose career spanned sixty years, covering the presidencies of Lyndon B. Johnson through Barack Obama. As the cartoons illustrate, although Ford’s decisions were not met with universal approval during his Presidency, Ford himself remained steadfast in his goals to heal the public trust, tattered in the wake of Watergate, and build a stronger nation.

More information about the exhibit and the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library can be found at
