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William Howe Letter to John Burgoyne, July 17, 1777

William Howe Letter to John Burgoyne, July 17, 1777. Henry Clinton Papers.

Strip 1:

Lieut. Genl. Burgoyne / New York, July 17th, 1777 Dear Sir, I have received yours of the 2d. inst. on the 15th., have since heard from the Rebel Army of your being in possession of Ticonderoga, which is a great Event carried without Loss. I have recd. your two letters Vizt.[text missing] / & Quebec your last of the 14th. May, & shall observe the contents. There is a report of a messenger of yours to me having been taken, & the Letter discoverd in a double wooded Canteen, you will know if it was of any consequence; nothing of it has transpird to us. I will observe [text missing] / in writing to you, as you propose in your letters to me. Washington is waiting our motions here, & has detached Sullivan with about 2500 men, as I learn, to Albany. – My intention is for Pensilvania where I expect to meet Washington, but if he goes to the Northwd. contrary to my [text missing] 

Strip 2:

and you can keep him at Bay, be assured I shall soon be after him to relieve you. After your arrival at Albany, ye. movements of the Enemy will guide yours; but my wishes are that the Enemy be drove out of this Province before any operation takes place in Conecticut. Sr. Heny. Clinton / remains in the command here, & will act as occurrences may direct. Putnam is in the Highlands with about 4000 men. – Success be ever with you. Yours. &c. / W.Howe

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See the Stories:  Saratoga Background | William Howe Goes His Own Way | John Burgoyne Surrenders

See the Method:  Quill Letter

See the Timeline:  1777