William Shaler to William Eustis, April 14, 1816. Hubert S. Smith Naval Collection.
Algiers 14 April 1816
I have the honor to inform you that on the first of the month Lord Exmouth arrived in the Bay with a Ship of 98 guns, 5 of 74 guns, 2 frigates and several Brigs and transports, after some blustering the result was peace between this Regency and Naples, and Sardinia, the liberation of the Slaves of their nations the former at $1000, the latter at $500, to depart on payment in three divisions, the last division not later than in 1818. The peace was made upon the same time as was the peace for Portugal. Both those states are to send consuls here, and pay presents and contributions. This peace gives Algiers at least $1000,000 and not less than 50,000 [frann…] The first division 357 men embarked onboard the fleet and sailed on the 7th instant.
Commodor Shaw with three frigates and two Sloops arrived here on the 3d. as soon as Lord Exmouth sailed our difficulties began. I have been three days onboard the Squadron and the white flag flying, an arrangement without the slightest concession has been made placing the U. States on the
footing of the treaty of June last until the pleasure of Government be made known here. As the John Adams sails tomorrow with dispatches. I have not the time now to give you any details, but confidentially I agree our relations with Algiers is on the footing of a truce. I most ardently expect an ultimatum will be dispatched as soon as he arrives.
I have the honor to be with great respect Sir your most Obt. Servant
Wm. Shaler
[To] His Excellency
William Eustis