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Home » Public Programs » Online Exhibits » Between the Wars: America’s Presence in the Mediterranean, 1805-1812 » James Madison to Tobias Lear, June 7, 1806. Tobias Lear Papers.

James Madison to Tobias Lear, June 7, 1806. Tobias Lear Papers.

Department of State
June 7, 1806
Recd at Tunis Jany 12, 1807

In the present posture of our affairs with Tunis, the President has judged it proper that you should repair thither with a view to an adjustment of them.  Of this notice was given to you in my letter of 15th May with an instruction to get to Gibraltar by the earliest conveyance and proceed there in the vessel in which the Tunisian Minister Mellimelli would be returning home.  This vessel has just sailed from this port and is bound for Boston to receive the Minister; it having been though expedient that he should not leave the U.S. without seeing the strength of our Country which could best be done by a journey through our principal towns and most populous states and which would therefore make Boston the most convenient port for his embarkation.  On his arrival at Gibraltar, you will join him and proceed to Malta, whence the commanding officer of the U.S. will convey you in a Frigate to Tunis and Mellimelli also if he should not prefer continuing his voyage on board the vessel in which he embarks.  This vessel

a Brig of 10 guns is a present from the U States to the Bey of Tunis as an equivalent for the Kebeck and the two prizes which having been disposed of at Malta could not be specifically restored as had been promised.  The vessel is small but valuable for the lasting materials live oak and cedar of which she is built.  It is presumed that she will Be acceptable on that account, as well as a token of the liberal and friendly disposition of this government towards the Bey.

Besides His compliments Mellimelli is charged with the articles contained in the enclosed list presented to the Bey and his prime minister in return for the presents brought by Mellimelli from them; in addition to which Mellimelli has been presented with $2000 for himself and $1200 to be distributed among his suite.  There are also in reserve to be forwarded for the Bey by the first public ships going to the Mediterranean four field pieces, six pounders with their carriages, besides two very elegant Bureaus and a Secretary and Bookcases.  These articles were to have been sent at this time; but Mellimelli had been told that he should have the vessel for his own effects and it was found that he had purchased so much sugar, coffee and other articles of merchandize that there would not be room for the whole.  It was therefore preferred that the bulky articles for the Bey should await a future conveyance, than that Melli

Melli who appears to have set his heart upon making money out of his mission should be disappointed.  It would have been difficult also to make another arrangement after the deficiency of room had been discovered even if Mellimelli would have preferred a sacrifice of his own interest to his complaisance for his Prince.  You will be sensible of the policy of putting the best face on the matter that it will bear; particularly with a view to save Melli from blame, and thereby cultivate both his influence with the Bey and his disposition to make a right use of it.  The documents herewith inclosed with your knowledge of the circumstances that led to the Mission from Tunis, will enable you to understand the ground on which your negotiation is to be formed.  Peace on honorable terms continues to be the ruling policy of the U States, and it is hoped that the preservation of it on such terms will be the result of your efforts.  In the gift of the armed brig, the President has in fact taken away all pretext for dissatisfaction on the part of the Bey; and if he was sincere therefore in limiting his complaints to the seizure of the vessels violating the Blockade the arrival of the Brig will place our affairs in the state of harmony and friendship which preceded that occurrence.  If on the contrary he adopts of adheres to the requisitions made by Mellimelli as seen in his

correspondence with this department, war must be inevitable, and it will only remain for you to give us the earliest notice of such a turn in the negotiation, and in the mean time to employ the most fit means in your power, in concert with the Naval Commanders of the U States, for retarding hostilities on the part of the Bey, or meeting them with the greatest effect.

By Dr. Miplett I have forwarded you a packet of [Gasell’s] printed documents, and three hundred passports for Cruisers of a new and more simple form.  Should you find dist. Dodge desirous of leaving Tunis or insufficient to perform with advantage the duties of the station, you may profile a temporary successor. 

It is not improbable that the length of Melli Melli’s stay in the U.S. may be complained of.  It is therefore proper to inform you, that from his arriving near the commencement of a very important Session of Congress, it was impossible to afford an early and continued attention to his business, and which was indeed the less material as it could not have been his own choice to embark before the return of Spring.  Since the close of the Session, the delay has arisen from the fitting out of the Chesapeake and the subsequent transfer of his passage to the Franklin after it was determined to give her to the Bey. 

 I have the honor to be &c. &c.
James Madison

Tobias Lear Esqr.
Consul General of the U.S. Algiers