Home » Public Programs » Online Exhibits » Early American Interactions with the Barbary States » Sidi Hamet to William Eaton, September 15, 1800. Miscellaneous collection. Sidi Hamet to William Eaton, September 15, 1800. Miscellaneous collection. Contents Introduction: The Barbary Wars Barbary Wars Timeline Background to the Conflict Early American Interactions with Barbary States The First Barbary War: The Tripolitan War Between the Wars The Second Barbary War: The Algerine War Aftermath: America's Presence in the Mediterranean Barbary Captivity Narratives Images of the Barbary Wars Further Reading and Resources To the most illustrious and magnificent Eaton who commands the invincible Army of the most distinguished of the House of Caramanly. Prince Sidi Hamet. Bashaw.