James Simpson to Edward Preble, September 17, 1803. John Rodgers Papers.
Tangier 17th Sept. 1803
When the Boat went this morning to you, I was only allowed to send the open slip of paper you saw. In hopes of finding a conveyance for this, I prepare it to acquaint you. I received an express last night from Mogadore, with advice that in the night of the 4th. Inst. orders were received by the governor there, to seize all American vessels, and property might be at that port. In consequence of which, the following morning, the Brig Hannah of Salem, Joseph W Williams Master, arrived a few days before from thence, was taken possession of some part of her cargo had been landed, was carried back from the Stores of the consigner, to the Custom-House, and the Master, and crew, put in charge of a Merchant, on his security for their appearance. This first act of hostility, may be considered to throw off the mark, and agree that Hashash [Governor of Tangiers Alcayde Hashash Abde-Rhaman], does not alone, direct this unprovoked warfare but at same time, it points out to us an
an additional source of danger to our commerce. I have reason to believe, other American vessels, may soon reach Mogadore. I beg to submit for that reason, how far it may advisable to send one of your small cruizers off that Port, if you have one to spare.
I have not anything else new, since last I wrote you. I continue in my house, with two soldiers at the gate.
At return of the Boat, I hope to have the honor of hearing from you.
I am truly Sir your Most Obt. Servt.
Signed. James Simpson
[To] Commodore Preble