Home » Public Programs » Online Exhibits » The First Barbary War: The Tripolitan War » William Eaton to Nicolai Nissen, August 3, 1801. Miscellaneous collection.

William Eaton to Nicolai Nissen, August 3, 1801. Miscellaneous collection.

Tunis 3d Aug. 1801


Together with a letter from Mr. Cathcart of 17. ult.  I inclose to you duplicate receipts of Hadge Hamet Morabit for the amount of one thousand Six hundred Spanish dollars which is to be by him reimbursed to you for the use of the United States – viz. his receipt of May 9th 1801. for Dolars

-Dols. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1000 –

-Ditto _ _ _ _ July 1.. _ _ _ _ _ _ 600 –

Dols. 1600.

At the present crisis of our Affairs with Tripoli it is impossible that Joseph Ingraham, late Charge des Affaires of the United States at that place can have any business there as an American Citizen—Nor is it construed to be admissible by our laws that a Citizen can expatriate himself and emigrate to an enemie’s Country in time of actual war—In whatever capacity therefore (except by express commission from the Government of the United States) said Ingraham should attempt to enter the Teritory of Tripoli it will excite just grounds of Suspicions of treasonable intentions towards the U.S. and will justify his arrestation and detention until examination can be had before proper authority—You will, for these reasons, in case of said Ingraham’s entering Tripoli arrest, and detain his person until demanded of you by superior authority—And I do hereby hold myself responsible in my capacity of a public Agent of the Governt. of the U.S. for all the consequences of the arrestation and detention of said Joseph Ingraham as aforesaid.

I have the honor to be sir,
William Eaton

[To] Mr. Nissen
Charge Des Affaires Des Etats Unis—