Margret Dowland to Henry Burbeck, March 2, 1803
Margret Dowland to Henry Burbeck, March 2, 1803.

Fort Trumbull
Sir 2d. March 1803 –
With the utmost submission I entreat you will
Please to forgive the freedom I take of representing to you
A Petition which I hope you will Please to look into –
My husband, a Serjeant under Capt. Flemming of the ordnance
and Military Stores at West Point was transferred to Capt.
James Stilles Compy of Arts. in the year 1800 which Station he did
and has maintained these nine years with Reputation & Satisfaction to his
Officers untill this Period, On being Transferred I was appointed
June 1800 as Matron of the hospital by Capt. Stille in which Station
My name has been inserted in Muster & Pay Bills to this period –
And for my services I reced. pay up to the first of April 1802 –
from which I reced. no emolument whatever – exclusive of Rations
And When the Receipt Rolls of Novembr. & Decembr. Came on a Remark
Was Made excluding me from any Pay for the latter & future Part
of My service – Relying on the Coll. Commandants Clemency
I sincerely hope you will please to adhere to the Petition

of a Person who has endeavoured with all manner of Industry
to support the station I have been in and besides having
a Small family to assist to Maintain likewise if necessary
Recommendations from Respectable Characters – to support mine
this Joind to the long services of my husband induces
to hope for Redress which I humbly seek at your hands
or if there is no hope of my obtaining my Request you
would Please to order an answer to be sent to
Sir with Respect your Obedt
Margret Dowland