Norton S. Townshend Letter to His Parents, January 1, 1841
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Norton Strange Townshend Letter to Joel and Rebecca Townshend, January 1, 1841. Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 4.
January 1st, 1841
Dear Parents,
About two months since I wrote a letter to Mr. Monteith which you have probably seen and one just before to Dr. Howard of which perhaps you have heard. I feel it high time I wrote again for in two months enough transpires to fill a dozen but more than all I must write to acknowledge & thank you for mothers last, which I received a few days since. I left Paris soon after writing to Mr. M. I had a tolerable passage to London though a gale had commenced before I landed that ? a few hours after the loss of several vessels. I remained a short time in London to ? a little business and attend St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. I then took coast for Kettering. I found Uncle Nortons and John Stranges families well & comfortable as usual. Besides visiting, I found plenty to do at Kettering. I gave two or three temperance lectures & an address to Mr. Tollens Sabbath School. From K. I went to Mowsley but stopped one night at Harbr. to give the good people their [sic] a lecture in the town hall. after a visit at Mowsley. I came to Y[elvertoft] and have since been christianasing Uncle Leggins. Aunt Leggins is quite feeble. Uncle is active & chatty as usual— I shall reserve my medical visits & adventures till I write Dr. Howard. I give you instead a few matters relating to agriculture. I have no fears of disgracing the profession of medicine by learning all I can of practical or theoretical farming, believing the latter to be most important & honorable of occupations. Hence whenever I am away from hospitals & the sick & traveling or visiting in the country I make all the observations & inquiries in my power. Agriculture has made very great progress in many parts of this country during the last ten years even–a very general interest appears to be excited among the farmers and many gentlemen give their wealth and talents to the advancement of the science. I shall be able to tell you on my return to what this progress is attributable and I think I could tell how they might advance much more rapidly than they do. Among the seeds I intend to bring you for trial in Ohio is some Italian rye grass which is considered superior to the English, especially for sheep. The Lucerne and St. Florin you are already acquainted with. I doubt if they will be found better than clover–there are one or two sorts of wheat-lately introduced into England which are exceedingly productive sometimes or 8 quarter per acre. I have also some squash seed that I brought from France. The one from which I obtained my seed weighed more than 200 lbs either from its weight or awkward shape. I failed to lift it at the first attempt.
I am not disposed to expect much from the monstrous cabbages about which you sent me an extract from the Genesee Farmer. I could not find any in France but there are plenty in England. At first the seeds sold for a shilling each but short lived as cabbages are, the first plants outlived their glory. I shall bring some seed. I have with me the seeds of another French cabbage which though smaller will I think be more useful. I have a few potatoes of an exceedingly productive kind which for the last two or three years have been much grown for cattle. I shall also get a few grafts and young trees.
Mothers remarks respecting cousin Henry are perfectly just. I think however there is no probability that he will return with us. Mr. Smith is much more likely to be my fellow passenger. He has been kept too much at home it is clearly necessary that he should go somewhere. He wishes to go to America for a year or two & Aunt & Mary Ann with it, but Uncle can scarcely decide between that place and some situation in England. I have not dared to give a word of advice on the matter-neither to persuade or dissuade. I have simply told them that if they decide to send him I will do what is in my power to promote his comfort and safety on the passage & aid him by my counsels after we arrive & that I did not doubt you would promise him a home & plenty to do while he might be stopping with us and there is no doubt but such a journey would contribute greatly to his improvement. He is very amiable & well disposed & Uncle & Aunt have offered me in case he ? compensation for all the solicitude he may occasion.— I called on Mr. Thomas Webster he was cheerful but troubled with the rheumatism. The old gentleman will send something to Mrs. Keene but whether love or money I cannot tell. I visited Mrs. Porter, she, her husband & family were well. She longs to see Elizabeth but I doubt whether cousin Betsy would be content to remain in Welford more than a week. She I suppose can scarcely recollect any thing of that regard for “castle” which would exclude her from the society of those who are only her equals in intelligence & the family of a hard drinker can never be a happy one. I have received from Mr. Clark of [Long Buckly?] sixty three dollars and eighty cents for Mrs Hardwick. Mr Clark-had waited sometime for an opportunity and was desirous that Mrs. H should receive the whole or part sooner than my return if possible. If it was convenient to you to pay to Mrs. Hardwick what she needs before my return it will be the same as if sent to me only be careful to pay Mrs. H herself & to get her own receipt. Mother supposes Mr. Reeve of Cleveland would send me some account of the revival there. I have received no letter but have learned something of it from Mr. Warmesley who lately received a letter from Mr. Reeve. You will please give my respects to Mr. Reeve & assure him that I sincerely & heartily rejoice at the happy results of the revival in his own family. When in London I called on Mr. Shelbourne & found him & Mrs. Shelborune well as sual. When writing on agricultural matters I omitted to say that the ox I saw at Earl Spencers & other of his stock has proved to be the best in England by obtaining the best Smithfield prices.
I have not yet seen the Earl yet he was at Althorpe when I was in London & left Northamptonshire about the time I came down— In Dr. Howards last letter which I intend to answer soon he enquires after some royal road to speaking French. You will kindly remember me to him & say I know of none so good as that which leads through Paris. I leave Y. tomorrow for Birmingham on my way to Ediburgh. I suppose I shall go almost the whole route by railroad. Grandma & Uncle Strange are well as usual. Aunt is tolerable though very feeble. Most of the other relations & neighbors are often the old sort. Uncle Thos. Nortons son Thos. is a good healthy boy. Aunt is now well. I have seen the Kilsby minister a [illegible], he had given me a kind invitation to give the Kilsby folks a talking to from the great grandfathers pulpit it came to [sic] late to be accepted this time. I must wait till my return from Edinburg [sic] if I am spared at Yelvertoft. I have done nothing publicly but address the Sabbath School children at the invitation of the teachers. Mr. Nettleship was not consulted on account of having previously manifested uncommon jealousy of any alterations I received and refused the house for a temperance meeting which the people desired, he is quite unpopular. The new poor laws of which Mother writes are not so dreadful as she seems to suppose in a few hundred cases it may be hard for scarcely any enactment can be found however salutary its operation that does not injuriously affect a few. It is generally esteemed the best and most popular law that has passed the house since the reform bill. There continues to be excitement on church & state questions, many dissenters refusing to pay church rates & thus have been imprisoned. I think mother church is really in danger but quite as much from the Catholics as from the dissenters a large number of the clergy have become Puseyites which is only another name for Romanism–the Catholics under their own name are also making no small exertions. There is but little political excitement in England. The favorable termination of the difficulties in Syria has perhaps given some satisfaction but theirs is nothing like union between different parties. The Tories are Tories still & only grow [ranks?] by keeping the chartists or radicals continue to agitate but do not appear to be supported by the mass of the people. There is evidently as much need as ever for reform and the spirit of oppression seems even more rampant than formerly My health continues good, hither to I have been protected and fed & I hope if I continue to trust not in man but in God my confidence will never fail. I remain You affection Son, Norton S. Townshend
Nothing has been heard from Sidney for more than four years, it is very strange.
This letter was not posted at Welford but will be at Mirmingham where I now am under the roof of my old companions H.W. Knight and Catharine. Yesterday (Sunday) I heard the Rev’d Jno. Angell James.
I intend to write from this place to Dr. Howard, that is if I remain many days. I have not yet had time to reconnoitre the medical schools or hospitals of the place.
I bet you will kindly remember me to all my cousins Hursts & Townshend -& to Uncle C Calkins, Esqr Vork & Mr. Wood & all our old neighbors.
A great many Yelvertoft folks send love & respects. I have not room for their names. Mr. Lucas’s family is well as usual. I hope to start for home in April. I am anxious to see you all. I pray we may [be?] see each other again in health. Icannot have time to learn all I want but I will content will always doing what I can. Farmers are doing well now in England but I have no desire to stay. I am as much of a Yankee as ever in feeling.