Gallery of Manuscripts
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N. S. Townshend’s letter to his parents from Europe, January 1, 1841. Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 4.
N. S. Townshend essay, “Committee on Swine” (1843). Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 18, Folder 7.
“The subject necessarily one of interest…” Townshend’s antislavery lecture notes (c. 1845). Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 12, Folder 2.
Salmon P. Chase letter to Norton Townshend, January 23, 1849. Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 7.
Salmon P. Chase letter to Norton Townshend, February 10, 1854. Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 27.
Salmon P. Chase letter to Norton Townshend, February [12?], 1854. Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 27.
Norton Strange Townshend letter to Margaret Bailey Townshend (1862). Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 32.
Letter to Townshend concerning Morill Bill in Ohio (1862). Norton Strange Townshend Family Papers, Box 1, Folder 32.