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Home » About » Blog » Upcoming Lecture: Kate Silbert, “The Archivist Behind the Curtain: Tips for Researchers Approaching the Archive,” October 18, 2012

The Archivist Behind the Curtain
Tips for Researchers Approaching the Archive
Presented by Kate Silbert
University of Michigan Graduate Student
in History & Women’s Studies
Thursday, October 18, 2012
4:00 p.m.

Ever felt lost in archival papers? Been stumped by a finding aid? Felt like you and archivists just don’t speak the same language?

Kate Silbert will discuss practical tips on developing research strategies and decoding finding aid lingo. Based on lessons one historian learned behind the scenes at the Clements Library, the talk will feature hints from archivists on accessing material as well as a discussion of what goes into preparing a collection. The staff at the Clements is eager for conversation with students about improving researchers’ experiences.

Funded by the Rackham Spring/Summer Research Grant.

Free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Library at (734) 764-2347 or visit our website:

William L. Clements Library 
909 S. University Ave. 
Ann Arbor, MI