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An Update from the Clements Library Development Office

The Clements envisions an even brighter future than its luminous past by establishing endowed curatorships, prestigious research fellowships, a full schedule of speakers and exhibits, and most importantly, by continuously adding unique materials to our collection. In the past year, the Clements has been able to raise funds for a variety of projects that will advance scholarship and learning for years to come.

Maybe you’ve been to the Clements to use our collections for research or scholarly advancement, volunteer your time and energy, or view one of our exhibits. With your continued support, the Clements programs will continue to benefit a wide audience of scholars, students and visitors.  Your gift to the Clements Library Annual Fund makes sure that the Clements can offer the best in programs, preserve its treasures, and make the collections fully accessible, both online and in the Library.

Or you can show your support by becoming a member of the Clements Library Associates. As benefits of membership, Associates enjoy the privilege of attending the Library’s programs, lectures, exhibits, and seminars, and receive Library publications free of charge or with substantial discounts. The Quarto, a magazine published each Spring and Fall, keeps members informed about the acquisitions which have been made through their generous giving, and offers informative articles drawn from the Library’s rich collections.  Membership dues to the Associates are used by the organization to acquire collections for the Library. Since its founding in 1947, the Clements Library Associates has purchased an estimated $5,000,000 worth of historical material that today has a monetary value many times that amount and is of incalculable worth to historians.

All of this is possible only with your financial support. The true value of the Clements Library is found in the excitement of visitors whose interest in history is encouraged by seeing “the original book” or manuscript which literally changed the course of history. It is the undergraduate whose experience at the University of Michigan was made memorable by being able to use “the actual letters” of Anthony Wayne or Frederick Douglass. It is to be found in the numerous articles and books of historians and writers around the world who have expanded our knowledge of the past as a direct result of the Clements Library’s collections.

If you would like to make a gift to the Clements or join the William L. Clements Library Associates, please give online.