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Home » About » Blog » New Clements Library Fellowships Announced

Details and application instructions and forms for all Clements Library fellowships are now available on our website. For further information contact: [email protected] or call 734-764-2347.

Announcement excerpted from the Quarto, no. 33 (Spring-Summer 2010):

It is a pleasure to announce the establishment of four new research fellowships intended to attract top-level scholars to the Clements Library. These complement the Jacob M. Price Visiting Research Fellowships that have been offered annually by the Library since 1995. The new fellowships have been made possible by the generous support of the Earhart Foundation, the Frederick S. Upton Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Earle, and the UM Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

It is particularly appropriate to announce these fellowships in this issue of the Quarto since two of them support advanced research on the Civil War. The Earhart Foundation Fellowships on Civil War America and The Upton Foundation Fellowships on Civil War America each offer $4,000 per month stipends for one to five months’ residence at the Clements for scholarly research on American history between 1830 and 1877. Preference will be given to projects on Civil War topics.

The Howard H. Peckham Fellowship on Revolutionary America supports research on American history between 1764 and 1783. It provides one grant of $10,000 for a project involving a residence of two months or more at the Library. The Earhart Foundation Fellowship on American History offers one $10,000 stipend for scholarly research on any aspect of American history prior to 1900. This fellowship comes with the expectation of a residence of two months or more at the Clements.