The Clements Library website includes events, exhibits, subject guides, newsletter issues, library staff, and more.

Pair 18: The Bestseller List

Pair 18: The Bestseller List

Contents Building on a Century of Collecting at the Clements Library Pair 1: Columbus and Cuba Pair 2: The Power of the Unseen Pair 3: The Fabric of History Pair 4: From the Big Picture to Individual Lives Pair 5: Picturing African-American Identity Pair 6: Leadership...
Writing the Injured Body

Writing the Injured Body

Guest post by Jean Franzino, Clements Library 2019 Norton Strange Townshend Fellow * * * In 1904, New Jersey Civil War veteran George R. Shebbeard published his life narrative, a 32-page booklet of the sort sold by disabled veterans for their economic support. The...
Imperial Spanish Symbolism: The Pillars of Hercules

Imperial Spanish Symbolism: The Pillars of Hercules

This essay by volunteer Derek Brereton examines three examples of the same Spanish cultural symbolism found in some of the oldest collection items at the Clements Library.  The Clements Library is fortunate to possess at least three fine examples of illustrations...
The Most Beautifully-Bound Newspaper in the Library

The Most Beautifully-Bound Newspaper in the Library

Most of the 18th and 19th century American newspapers in the Clements Library collections have bindings that are functional rather than artistic. Many volumes have been rebound in 20th century olive green cloth and either green paper or plain gray boards. The older...
In Celebration of Bad Poetry Day

In Celebration of Bad Poetry Day

No commemoration of Bad Poetry Day would be complete without a nod to the (in)famous poet (and native Michigander) Julia A. Moore.  The Clements Library is the proud owner of several editions of her collected poems. Born in Plainfield, Michigan, in 1847, Julia Moore...