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Deed in Trust, December 13, 1726.

To all People to whom this present Instrument of writing shall come, Whereas the Sachims of the five Nations Did on the 19th day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and one, in a Conference held at Albany, Between John Nanfan Esqr late Lieutenant Governour of this Province of New York, Give and render up all their Land where the Beaver hunting is, which they won with the Sword then eighty years ago, to Coorachkoo our Great King, praying that he might be their Protector and Defender there, for which they desired that their Secretary might then draw an Instrument for them to sign and seal, that it might  be carryed to the King, as by the Minutes thereof now in the Custody of the Secretary for Indian Affairs at Albany, may more fully and at large appear.  We Kanakakarighton and Thanintsaronwee Sinneke Sachims, Ottsochkoree, Dekanisoree and Aenjeweeratt, Cayouge Sachims Kachjakadorodon and Sadogeenachtie Onnondage Sachims, of our own accord, free and voluntary will DO hereby Ratify, Confirm Submit and Grant, and by these presents do for our Selves our heirs and Successors, and in behalf of the whole Nations of Sinnekes, Cayouges and Onnondages Ratify, Confirm, Submit and Grant unto our Most Soveraign Lord George by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland


Defender of the Faith &c. his heirs and Successors for ever, All the said Land and Beaver hunting to be protected and defended by his said Majesty his heirs and Successors to and for the use of us our heirs and Successors and the said three Nations.  And we do also of our own accord, free & voluntary will Give, Render, Submit and Grant, and by these presents do for our Selves, our heirs and Successors, Give, Render, Submit and Grant unto our said Soveraign Lord King George his heirs and Successors for ever, All that Land lying and being sixty miles Distance, taken directly from the Water into the Country.  Beginning from a Creek called Canahogue on the Lake Oswego, all along the said Lake and all along the narrow Passage from the said Lake to the falls of Oniagara called Cahaquaraghe and all along the River of Oniagara and all along the Lake Cataracquis to the Creek called Sodoms, belonging to the Sinnekes, and from Sodoms to the hill called Tegerhunkserode, belonging to the Cayouges, and from Tegerhunkserode to the Creek called Cahunghage, belonging to the Onnondages: All the said Land being of the breadth of sixty English miles as aforesaid, all the way from the aforesaid Lakes or Rivers directly into the Country and thereby including all the Castles of the aforesaid three Nations, with all the Rivers, Creeks and Lakes within the said Limits, to be protected and


Defended by His said Majesty, his Heirs and Successors for ever, to and for our use, our heirs and Successors, and the said three Nations. In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our Marks and affixed our Seals in the City of Albany, this fourteenth day of Spetember, in the thirteenth year of His Majesties Reign, Annoqe Domini 1726.

The Mark of Kachjakadorodon
A Sachim of the Onnondages

The Mark of Ottsochkoree
A Sachim of the Cayouges

The Mark of Kanakarighton
A Sachim of the Sinnekes

The Mark of Sadegeenaghtie
A Sachim of Onnondage

The Mark of Dekanisoree
A Sachim of the Cayouges

The Mark of Thanintsaronwee
A Sachim of the Sinnekes

The Mark of Aenjeweeratt
A Sachim of the Cayouges

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us
Philip Livingston
Peter Van Brugh
Myndert Schuyler
Lowrens Clousen

Secretary’s Office New York December ye 13th 1726 – as true Copy of the Record –
Is. Bobin D.Secry

Deed of Surrender from the Indians to His Majesty of their Lands.

            Larger version of the 1855 published copy: