Choptank tribe’s statement to English deputies, per Col. Loyd, [eastern Maryland]. August 12, 1767. Great Britain Indian Department Collection.
Case 1: Early Encounters - Before 1600
Case 2: Early Encounters - Samuel de Champlain
Case 3: Early Encounters - Early British and Native American Interactions
Case 4: William Penn's Treaty with the Lenni Lenape Indians
Case 6: Sacred Objects, Instruments of Negotiation, and Commodities
Case 7: Land Speculation and the Northwest Passage
Case 9: 18th Century Conflicts
Case 12: The Dakota War of 1862
Case 14: Ojibwe (Anishinaabemowin) Texts
Case 16: Recent Library Acquisitions
Indian Queens and Indian Princesses: Allegorical Representations of America

We learn from you that you have come a great way to see us, and we think it right to tell you, that we are obliged and thank you for this friendly Visit.
You see we are not rich, but we have some Tenants, who pays us for the use of our Lands; these lands you desire us to sell, and go with you, but we can’t tell that this wou’d be so well, as we live comfortably upon the Rents of our Lands, but if we part with our Lands and go with you, we shall have nobody to work for us, as our Tenants do, and our old people cannot hunt nor make Corn, and we are fearful that these old people wou’d starve if they go into a strange land.
For these Reasons we cannot sell our Lands; but if we were willing to sell our Lands we do not know that we cou’d sell them, or that in Justice we ought to do it. Our forefathers held these Lands as long as Death wou’d let them live, when Death took our forefathers away, they left these same Lands to their Children, and said, live upon them, and your Children as long as You and any of your Children is alive; We have follow’d their advice which we find has been good and therefore untill our Brothers of the Six Nations can shew us that it will be for our Benefit to remove, we cannot think of deserting our Town.
We are told by you, that you have come a great Distance to see us, we are very glad to see you and shake Hands with You; We welcome you once more to our Town. It pains us to think how far you have travelled, and what pain you must have been put in, especially if your Money did not hold out. Of this Brothers we

desire to know, and if you will want a Supply to carry you back. The Lands we have some of them being Rented brings us in some Money if You do want and will let us know, we will spare you what we can to make your Journey Home comfortable. And we will think well of your Talk and try how warm it will be to our Hearts; and if we find that it will make us strong and young, and make us able to take a Journey to your Town and to General Johnson, we will send to you to tell you of it. We wish you well.
Brothers we wish you well, and hope you will meet your Friends well.
This is the Choptanks Answer – Or – Rather one Conll Loyd, who, they Aplyd Too for his Advice – as He Intends great friendship, to these Indians – but, notwithstanding his Pottiscy, their Will Seem Part of. them. Return. With. the [Peartcy?].
The Nanticokes, are all Unamis, to Remove and the greatest, If not all, the Snow Hill Tribe
Amos Ogden

August 12th 1767
Nanticokes Answer to the Deputys sent from Hence, also a letter from Capt Amos Ogden
Ansrd 7br. 9th. 1767